Wednesday, November 29, 2006

New Addition -- the Leonard Peltier banner

As ya'll can see, there is a new banner across the top of this blog. I try to keep my political views to myself as much as possible unless asked so when a friend came to me asking if I would post the banner in support of Peltier (a personal cause of mine for years) I just couldn't find it in my heart to say no.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Peltier case, aka part of the vile Pine Ridge incident, aka ResMurs for the Anglos, I'm pretty sure you've seen the movie based loosely on the events. Starring Val Kilmer, "Thunderheart" wasn't a blockbuster but it struck home for a lot of the First Nations.

Peltier has been in prison for 30 years now despite the fact that it was proven witnesses were purjured & threatened, documents weren't disclosed, and evidence was planted and tampered with just to name a few of the illegal tactics used to imprison him. Not to mention the fact that the very FBI agents who were killed were and still are suspected of the murders of several locals on the Ridge during this time.

Some call him a murderer. Others call him an unwilling figurehead. And still others call him a tribal warrior, a modern day Crazy Horse. Honestly, at times I've been torn between what I consider him, but never am I torn over the fact that he was falsely imprisoned and on that fact alone he should've been released years ago. A rapist and a molester can get off scot free because he wasn't 'processed' right. One word missing and poof he's free. Meanwhile felonies being committed for the sole purpose of convicting this man aren't enough to get him released.

It never ceases to amaze me how little we've come in the 200 years since the president of this somewhat great nation advocated the total extermination of the First Nations likening the people to chaff to be blown before the mighty wind of colonization, civilization, and progress. Consider this though, before the Anglos came to this country, men hunted, fished, and gambled all day long and women did all the homemaking work but could and did earn the right to hunt and raid with the men if they chose to. How hard you worked truly was the bar you were measured by and even the poorest orphan could and did attain leadership and alpha position through dedication and hard work. Orphans were taken in by another family instantly and were part of that family for the most part. The worse things you had to worry about was an enemy war party shooting arrows or throwing lances at you, an animal catching you by suprise, or falling off a cliff to your doom. Sure it wasn't all peaches and cream, and there were those who had no heart. Typically those were shunned by the village. Now think about all that "colonization, civilization, and progress" has brought to us. ;) Makes ya wonder if it was really such a good idea sometimes don't it? lol

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