tube from a roll of paper towels, thick sock, gallon sized plastic bag, rubber band, lubrication, and a pen/pencil.
- Turn the sock inside out & stick it through the paper towel tube.
- Take about 2" of the top of the sock (open end) and pull it down around the outside of the tube.
- Lube up the inside of the plastic bag
- Slide the plastic bag into the open end of the sock poking it down with the pen/pencil. Push the baggie down so there's plenty of room for your cock.
- Make sure the inside of the bag (with the lube) is still open so you can insert your cock inside.
- You should still have a few inches of thea plastic baggie hanging out. Pull it down around the thick sock and the paper towel tube.
- Wrap a rubber band around the baggie, sock, and tube to hold it all together.
- Start fucking :) You can either hump into the paper towel pussy, or you can pump it along you cock. Either way, it's going to feel great!!!
Whenever you're done and ready for cleanup, just take off the rubber band, and throw the plastic baggie away. Viola! Clean as a whistle and all you need to create it again is another baggie. If it's not as pleasant as it should be, finger inside to make sure the whole baggie is lubed up and there's no folds on the baggie.
Enjoy yall!
xoxo Gin
PS -- He also said if you want a warmer experience to use another plastic baggie between the paper towel tube and the sock. Then wet the sock down with warm water and following the rest of the directions.