Saturday, December 30, 2006
2 new phone sex mp3s! Angora Gloves & New Years party slut
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Gin's first lesbian experience & Santa double penetrating and tit fucking phone sex mp3 downloads!!
Ginger's First Lesbian Experience mp3 Download
When I got home I couldn't get it out of my mind so I sat down and created an mp3 with all the kinky details about it. It's almost 10minutes long and if you'd like to hear one of my kinky secrets, you can either purchase the file (Click here to purchase the file thru NF) for $17.50, or call in and listen to it (Click here to call now thru NF) over the phone for $1.00 a minute.
Santa Double Penetrating Gin with a Dildo & Candy Cane mp3 Download
After I had so much fun recording the lesbian experience mp3, I couldn't help myself and had to get in the holiday spirit, albeit kinky in the holiday spirit, with a Santa mp3. I catch Santa digging through my panty drawer on Christmas eve and find out what naughty sluts get instead of presents. They get titty fucked by the jolly fatman while he pumps both their holes hard and fast with a viberater and a huge candy cane!
Since this file is seasonal and I just think it's cute and hot as fuck it's available for purchase at a discounted rate of less than $1 a minute (Click here to purchase the file thru NF). It's almost 11minutes long and costs $10 to own the file. It's not available to call in and listen to though. Sorry to all you guys who don't like leaving evidence on the computer.
If you're considering purchasing either of these files, there will be samples available later on tonight on the site. ;)
oxox Gin
Congrats to Paul, Mike, Sammy, and John for knowing Santa's reindeer and winning free access to one of my new x-rated galleries. Hope ya'll enjoy it darlins!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Naughty girl update
Also, I just found out something new on Niteflirt. They've now added a special feature where callers can tip. I'm kind of up in the air over this new feature but I'm not going to fight it too hard. It kind of does make sense since this is a service and most services are tipped on. I'm not sure if it makes us flirts look greedy or if it gives ya'll an added chance to show your appreciation for us.
Since it's new I'm not sure exactly how it works so if someone does know will they drop a line and give me the 411 please? From what I understand of it, if a caller rates a call positively, they then have the option of adding a tip for great service. The options are in percentages of what was spent on the call like 10%, 15%, 20%, that sort of thing. I could be wrong and probably am though lol! Just thought I'd explain how I understand it for those who know less than I do.
Plus, within the next 3 months I'll most likely be putting together a site devoted solely to me. I'll post when the launch date is more definite as everything is still really up in the air at the moment. But for more info on what's gong on with me, check out the site my friends and I've put together. Between Shyann the smokin hot Latina and Cora the sizzlin sexy MILF and myself the blog gets updated pretty regularly so you can peek into all of our lives, not just mine! Neat isn't it?
I'm also kicking around the idea of putting out another phone sex mp3 for the holidays. If you have a suggestion on the topic you'd like to hear, let me know! I'm open to ideas as always and if I do decide to put one out, I want it to be top quality. For the time being though, there are free samples of the available recordings posted on the site and short write ups on what each recording is about. I hope ya'll like the addition and can make informed purchases *hint* LOL!
Now don't forget, if you can name all of Santa's reindeer correctly email it to me and I'll send you access to one of my x-rated galleries with more than 20 pictures of yours truly showing what God gave her. lol
xoxo Gin
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Christmas Joke
"Yep," the little girl said, "he sure did!" The cop looked the bike over and handed the girl a $5 ticket for a safety violation and said, "Next year tell Santa to put a reflector light on the back of it."
The young girl looked up at the cop and said, "Nice horse you've got there sir. Did Santa bring it to you?" "Yes, he sure did," chuckled the cop.
The little girl looked up at the cop and said, "Next year tell Santa the dick goes underneath the horse, not on top."
hehehe Out of the mouths of babes ;)
xoxo Gin
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
First Trivia Question...
Todays question is:
Who is credited as the father of the Christmas tree, the first person documented who talked of a fir tree in relation to the holiday?
If you figure it out (and it's not that hard), email me with your answer and NF member's name. I'll send you 3 free minutes for being in the jolly mood!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
New Addition -- the Leonard Peltier banner
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Peltier case, aka part of the vile Pine Ridge incident, aka ResMurs for the Anglos, I'm pretty sure you've seen the movie based loosely on the events. Starring Val Kilmer, "Thunderheart" wasn't a blockbuster but it struck home for a lot of the First Nations.
Peltier has been in prison for 30 years now despite the fact that it was proven witnesses were purjured & threatened, documents weren't disclosed, and evidence was planted and tampered with just to name a few of the illegal tactics used to imprison him. Not to mention the fact that the very FBI agents who were killed were and still are suspected of the murders of several locals on the Ridge during this time.
Some call him a murderer. Others call him an unwilling figurehead. And still others call him a tribal warrior, a modern day Crazy Horse. Honestly, at times I've been torn between what I consider him, but never am I torn over the fact that he was falsely imprisoned and on that fact alone he should've been released years ago. A rapist and a molester can get off scot free because he wasn't 'processed' right. One word missing and poof he's free. Meanwhile felonies being committed for the sole purpose of convicting this man aren't enough to get him released.
It never ceases to amaze me how little we've come in the 200 years since the president of this somewhat great nation advocated the total extermination of the First Nations likening the people to chaff to be blown before the mighty wind of colonization, civilization, and progress. Consider this though, before the Anglos came to this country, men hunted, fished, and gambled all day long and women did all the homemaking work but could and did earn the right to hunt and raid with the men if they chose to. How hard you worked truly was the bar you were measured by and even the poorest orphan could and did attain leadership and alpha position through dedication and hard work. Orphans were taken in by another family instantly and were part of that family for the most part. The worse things you had to worry about was an enemy war party shooting arrows or throwing lances at you, an animal catching you by suprise, or falling off a cliff to your doom. Sure it wasn't all peaches and cream, and there were those who had no heart. Typically those were shunned by the village. Now think about all that "colonization, civilization, and progress" has brought to us. ;) Makes ya wonder if it was really such a good idea sometimes don't it? lol
Monday, November 27, 2006
Holiday Phone Sex treats
Now, the basics will be that each day I'll have a special treat just for those of you who participate. Sometimes it'll be free minutes, others it will be pictures, others will be ........ well the others are secret and the only way you're going to find out what they are is if you decide to join in the fun. :o)~ hehehe
The catch is -- you can't go back. Only that day's offer will be valid. So say yesterday's treat was 5 free minutes and today's treat is 5 free pictures. Only the pictures are available. This is going to be so much fun.
Each day I'm going to post either a riddle, a picture hunt, or ask a trivia question for ya'll to work on. Figure out what I'm looking for and receive the treat! Woo Hoo!
I thought this would keep us all in a cheerful holiday mood since some are prone to get sad or grumpy this time of year plus it'll let me show ya'll how much I adore you.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Phew Glad to be home and going through sex withdrawals
And yes for you nosey folks (as if that's a bad thing right? hehehe) I did get laid -- multiple times and multiple people. I am however suffering withdrawal of phone sex though. In person sex is fantastic! Don't get me wrong. Never will I knock it, but there is something about sex that's purely fantasy that is incredible. So like promised, I'm going to log on until I've gotten my full dose of phone boning at a special $1.25 a minute rate on my anything goes line. As always if you aren't a member of niteflirt, when you sign up you'll receive 3 free minutes to get you started.
I've also received so many thank you emails for the desktop background while I was gone that I've created a couple that are x-rated. They're $5.99 each. One features 4 x-rated pictures of yours truly playing with a pink dildo on a white background, and the other features 3 various x-rated pictures on a maroon background. I love the thought of ya'll drooling over me every time you see your desktop. Inside the email you'll receive instructions on how to use the desktop if you aren't sure.
Now I'm off to soak in my tub with my new toy that Jerry was sweet enough to suprize me with while I was gone. Imagine the look on my face when I got home this morning to find a box sitting on the porch with a kick ass dildo inside. I haven't gotten a chance to play with it yet, but isn't it beautiful? It's more like a work of art than a glass cock isn't it? lol Jerry thank you thank you thank you sugar! Like you asked, I won't play with until we talk so hurry up and call already. It's driving me bonkers because I so want to break this bad boy in. ;)
xoxox Gin
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Only a few hours till Party Time!
I've also been tinkering tonight and thought that it'd be cool to give ya'll an early Christmas present. So I put together this simple desktop background for your computer to get us all in the holiday spirit. Just click on the picture below and save the picture to your hard drive. Then right click on your desktop and selection properties >>> desktop >>> browse >>> find where you saved it and Viola! Instant Ginger on your desktop to drool over lol How great is that?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Handymen and Croc Hunter What a day ROTF
Let's just say that Ross is more than light in the loafers ;) That's the understatement of the week. Not only would Ross the intern in all probability suck a cock, I doubt the 'man's' balls ever dropped. lol Before any hateful remarks, I'm referring to how he still sounds like a prepubscent boy instead of a full grown adult male so shush. I have nothing against gay men and personally have more crushes on gay men then straight men because the guys I'm lucky enough to know are just that fantastic. So check out this clip and remember PINEAPPLE! lol
Why is this titled "Handymen & Croc Hunter what a day ROTF?" Welp folks I've been having the worst time with my internet connection imaginable. I live in the sticks so I'm not expecting it to work all the time or as flawlessly as if I lived in a major city, but I do expect it to work MOST of the time especially since I pay three times as much for my net as folks in cities do. Is that so unreasonable?
Anyway, finally the technicians from the provider came out to fiddle around and supposedly FIX my problems. But let's take a step back in time, I didn't KNOW they were showing up today. I'm a pretty private person as you all know. No, I don't hide who I am but living in the Bible Belt and Klan territory I have to be discreet about my sexual self with the population at large. Friends know who I am, what I do, and that I'm a twisted kinky slut. Great! Joe blow down the road? Why the hell should he know I like bending men over and driving my 9" black strapon up their asses when Mr Joe Blow would most likely be offended and could possibly blow things out of proportion? It's none of his business!
So the technician comes in and wants to see my computer. Gee let me think about this. My desktop is a picture of a man wearing a collar tied on his knees getting his ass pounded by a cock I'm not even sure I could take. Sure! Let me just show you to the computer *rolls eyes* So the technician starts tinkering with my computer supposedly fixing the problems I've been having. I'm going in and out of the room doing things around my house while he's working. When I come back into my bedroom where my computer is set up I find the naughty pervert snooping through my personal pictures with a cock hard enough to drive nails.
I'm not easily embarassed and being embarassed over him SNOOPING through my private files when he had no business being in those folders isn't going to happen so I give the guy shit over it. Bad mistake! Have you ever seen a man go from Pervert to Born Again Push My Beliefs Down Your Throat in less than a second? It's a funny sight but not a pretty one. I couldn't help but laughing at him while he's reading me the hellfire and brimstone miranda rights telling me all the ways I'm going to be on a spit over a hellfire when I die with the devil feasting on my innards. WTFEVER.
Hypocrits are too funny aren't they? They're like all the politicians that have been passing 'laws to protect children' while at work and setting up dates to molest children from their office computer. Once again I've been shown that those who outspokenly against something publicly like gay marriage are sucking and fucking cock like a $2 street walker when doors close.
xoxo Gin
Monday, November 20, 2006
Being thankful for phone sex
I know I'm going to miss ya'll but I think I've definitely earned this vacation.
On another note, I've been invited to help admin one of the top giantess sites on the net. I haven't decided if I'm going to accept the honor or be forced to decline it. When I started my journey here on the net, I never remotely dreamed that I would be in this position and find myself torn between jumping in and devoting myself to another person's website or finally getting off my hiney and building an actual website of my own.
I've been told so many times in the past that I need to build a "Ginger Lee Yours" website by callers with ideas and suggestions of their own that I had just decided to do so when this opportunity presented itself.
The ideas that have been bounced at me by some of ya'll have been incredible to say the least. Some of my favorites so far are: photoshop-erotica-kinkiest sex contests, setting up a forum where everyone can talk and have fun together trading net secret spots, having the contest winners have access to post their thoughts in a blog similar to this. Like I said, you guys and gals have great ideas!
Hopefully I can come to a decision while on this little trip. I run a few sites, but none of them are just me and I'm wondering if devoting a full site to me would be worth the amount of work it would entail. Any thoughts and ideas you have on it would be greatly appreciated if shared. lol
oxox Gin
Friday, November 17, 2006
Happy Holidays early
I'm going to take a trip south for a few days over the Thanksgiving holiday. I'll be leaving Thursday extremely early in the morning and will be back home Sunday sometime. Before I leave for the warm sandy beaches I'm going to need lots of sexing to keep me sane while I'm gone so I'll be running another special. I haven't even thought the details of it out yet so don't ask lol
I hope ya'll will have a great safe holiday though and eat lots of food for me. I'll be sure to reciprocate by soaking up as much sun, margaritas, and half to full naked bodies as I can!
xoxo Gin
PS -- Don't forget Gin loves prezzies too. (*hint hint*) so don't forget me this season when you're shopping through the sexy outfits for the other women in your lives LOL!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
What a disappointment
Like always, I take a call before I go out on a date to get in the mood and to take the edge off so to speak. I should've known tonight was going to be bad when right as I'm cumming with the sexy man on the other end of the phone, someone starts knocking on the door. Yup, you guessed it. Peter showed up like 45 minutes EARLY. Now, everyone's heard of fashionably late right? Who in the hell has ever heard of fashionably early? Not me.
So I quickly tell my phone lover I've got to go because my date showed up early, hide the dildo, slip on a robe, and answer the door. I show Peter to my living room to wait and apologize because I'm not ready. The whole time I'm apologizing, I'm thinking "Why on earth am I apologizing because he's early?" but can't make myself stop. I hurriedly put on my new outfit bought special for tonight, spritz perfume on, and head out the door. All in under 10 minutes flat. That has to be some type of record right? lol
In the car we go. At least it would've been 'in the car we go' if the car wasn't cram packed full of empty fast food containers and other trash. After standing in the cold for a good 10 minutes while he pushes empty cups, burger wrappers, fry boxes, and worse out of the seat I'll be forced to sit in with my new outfit, the upholstery appears. Umm I think it was upholstery at some point, tonight however it was a plain of mold and rotting food. Eww! I'm pretty laid back, but come on! That's too much even for me.
While I'm trying to formulate a way to get out of this date without being rude to him and without ruining my new outfit, Peter pins me to the side of the car and tries to kiss me. Okay! Gin's had more than enough now. I shove him away and almost puke with visions of rotting food, mold, and feet upon feet of trash in a car and start walking back to my door.
Eww eww ewww guys! If a woman is sweet enough to agree to go out with you, do NOT show up in a moldy, trash ridden, filthy bacteria mobile to the date. Alright?
Guess I'll go dig out my dildo I hid for no damned reason earlier and just phone sex my night away yet again. *sighs* Being single isn't as great as some people say it is, but it's way better than being coupled with a disgusting filthy pig like that.
oxoxo Gin
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Bigger Cocks & Penis Pumps Beginners 101
If you've never used a penis pump before I bet you're asking do they really work? Yup, sure do. There's some controversy out there on whether they can provide any long term enlargement or if it's just a temporary thing. From my personal experience, yes you can have long term results, but it's not something that's instant. A man's cock is another muscle that has to be worked out like any other muscle in the body if he wants to develop it. How much girth and length a man gains is on a personal basis. I've seen cocks get several inches longer and other times barely an inch longer.
First off, you need to pick the right pump. You need a pump that will give you an airtight seal so you're not just wasting your time. Don't forget that if you do this regularly your cock will in fact grow so keep that in mind and don't get too small of a pump because you'll outgrow it too quickly. This is all about the pressure you can create inside the cylinder and if there's an air leak, kiss that pressure bye-bye.
You can find cheap pumps for as low as $24.99, just be sure they aren't going to crack when you start increasing the pressure. The last thing you want is it to implode with your cock inside right darlin? lol Some pumps even vibrate. I personally love watching a man use the Samuria ($28.95) because there's a bit like a tongue at the top that vibrates and licks the head of your cock while you're inside the cylinder. And for those who want even bigger cocks, Sean Michael's goes up to 8.25" and is a bargain at $28.99.
Once you have a the right pump, you'll need to 'prep' the area. All that means is be smooth as an apple. Break out the old shaving cream and razor, or diesel fuel and weedwacker whatever the case may be and start sculpting. You'll need the area hair-free so you can acheive that oh so important seal. After you've shaved your pubic region, time for a hot washcloth. Everyone knows warmth makes a person's capillaries expand and blood infuse the area where the hot wash cloth is right? Well this is what you want to kickstart you on your pumping adventure.
Also, use LOTS of lubrication since it will help seal off any minor leaks and will just feel so much better in the pump. Then it's time to use your brand new ticket to hung heaven. Make sure your cock is hard, lubed up, and slip it inside. Gradually increase the pressure inside the cylinder until you've hit either your max endurance or the max capacity of the cylinder. For beginners, GO SLOW. This is a WORKOUT for your cock and if you go too fast, you will NOT enjoy the results. What's happening is that the pressure inside the cylinder is more or less SUCKING blood into your cock tissue. More Pressure = More Blood in Your Cock = Bigger Cock. Go too fast means Too much Pressure = Too much blood forced into your cock tissue = BLOWOUT. Got the picture? GOOD!
Now personally if you want long term results you're going to have to use the pump daily for 15-20 minutes at first. When you've worked your way up to maximum pressure in the cylinder for 15-20minutes a day for a couple weeks, it's time to up the workout like you would in the gym. Keep pushing your limits and you'll be stronger right? Same thing applies here. When you've done maximum pressure for a couple at 15-20 minutes a day, it's time to extend your workout to 30-40minutes a day. Normally it takes a couple weeks to see any major results, but you'll see smaller results within a couple days.
Usually about a month after doing daily workouts your cock will have outgrown the first pump and it's time to upgrade.
And that is Ginger's "Penis Pumping to Plumper Cock Technique" lmao! Hope ya'll enjoyed it and can use the info. And for you boys who are going to try it, I'd love to see some before and after pictures *(hint hint)*
xoxo Gin
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Oh what a lovely night of sex
Oh what a lovely night last night was! For those of you who missed the Halloween special treat of sizzling phone sex for just $1 a minute, you missed a hell of a time. I came and came and came some more. I lost track of orgasms around number 19. I do believe I broke my previous slutty record by about 6 cums. lol
Thank you everyone who helped me bring out the ol phone sex slut I've been missing! My muscles are sore, my pussy is STILL tender, my poor lil clitty is still hard (can you believe that?), and now I have cum stained sheets and cum soaked panties to wash. *sighs* What a great day!
I think I'm going to do this more often. Right now, I feel on top of the world. Happier than I've been in ages and I can't stop smiling. Mmmm sex really is the true cure-all for everything that ails you isn't it? ;) Once my mind starts functioning clearer, I'm going to go over my schedule and see if I can't make a sex-a-thon -- that's a marathon of sex for you who aren't fluent in pervert talk lol -- a regular thing. Maybe every other Wednesday have 24 hours of delicously kinky, pussy pleasing, cock exploding sex! MMMmmmm I'm lovin' the sounds of that. Aren't you?
xoxo Gin
PS: To that special man that's having a rough time of things lately.... remember they will get better. Just smile and don't let the nay sayers con you into seeing things their way. They obviously aren't right in the least. >>>>Big Hugs & Bigger Kisses<<<<
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Trick or Treat?
That being explained, I decided I would treat ya'll to a few tricks from me. So, October 31st from 7pm central time until I pass out from sex-haustion, I'll be running a special $1 a minute rate on a listing I've created just for this purpose. And darlins, the special will only be running from 7pm central that evening until I roll over all nice and cummy and drift off to naughty dreams so all you early birds will have to either call one of my other listings, or keep that yummy cock in your pants until then. ;)
To call, just click the button below Halloween evening, or call in and select extension # 01787016. As always, you'll be dialing through niteflirt so if you aren't a member, you'll need to sign up. Signing up in free and super easy. You'll be ready for the best phone sex experience of your life in less than 5minutes, plus you'll receive 3 free minutes towards your first call. Pretty great eh?
Monday, October 23, 2006
Where o where are the phonesex recordings?
I've taken several months off of doing pre-recordings. This is for my peace of mind and just being dicked over too many times. I've had fellow 'flirts' buy my mp3s then turn around and sell them to their callers as their own creation. I've had callers buy my phone sex mp3s then turn around and sell them on ebay and ebanned. Finally the 3rd time I had to contact powers-that-be informing them of the violation of my copyright and being told to fuck off I'd had enough.
Yes, you can still request a custom phonesex recording either exclusive or non-exclusive within reason. But, know that when you purchase a recording, I do have a record of your member name purchasing it and if I find that you've violated my copyright, my intellectual privacy, and my trust in you, it will not be the 'powers-that-be' of the site you're using to violate me that contact you, it will be my lawyer.
I've also been asked several times in the past few weeks why I've been receiving bad feedback so I thought I'd address that here as well. One of the lovelies who decided to violate my copyright has made it her personal goal to see that my reputation is corrupted. I've been notified by several of her henchmen that they were told by this person to call me and leave bad feedback and she would reward them. I suppose I should take this as a backhanded compliment but somehow I just can't find the drive to do that.
Those of you that I've been fortunate enough to spend time with know how much I love taking calls and that it's not a 'job' to me, but more a hobby to keep my overactive libido and imagination under control. I do not set out to hurt anyone and I've always expected the same respect in return. I take pride in the fact that my hobby allows myself and those who call me a chance to step into a world of fantasy and just enjoy the company of each other. To brighten a day that might've been gloomy before. So I'm sure that you are well aware of my feelings when I read the filth that's been posted. It's sickening.
What's more sickening is that I've contacted the powers-that-be and they will not do anything until I have overwhelming proof that it is indeed happening. That's completely understandable but frustrating as getting the proof that's required to put a stop to this harassment will not be easy in the least and until said proof is provided, the harassment can and will continue.
I've never asked for feedback from callers because I understand that privacy is important to you. I am now, if you enjoy our time together, please leave feedback and help me soften the impact this person is having on my reputation. If you don't feel comfortable posting it on the listing where others can see, please feel free to email me privately so in those moments when I'm questioning why even continue, I can read those emails and see that it is indeed worth this harassment and so much more.
Thank you for all the fun we've had together over the phone and thank you everyone who has already given me support over this issue...
oxox Gin
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Sofa Pussy Homemade Sextoy
- Sofa with cracks between cushions
- Gallon ziplock baggie
- Warm wet towel
- Condom
- Lots of lubrication
In order to create the "Sofa King Pussy" all you have to do is a few simple steps. The clean-up is a cinch since you just need to throw away the condom.
- Take the warm towel and wrap it around the inside of the baggie so there is a 'hole'
- Squirt lots of water based lube inside the condom and put the condom on.
- Place the baggie with the towel inside it down the crack between the sofa cushions so the open side is up.
- Smooth the edges of the baggie across the sofa so there's no wrinkles
- Lay across the sofa, and slide your hard cock inside
- Pull cock out
- Repeat until you are fucking the towel/baggie like a $2 ho ;)
And yes, I know this one works because ladies and gents, my friend was sweet enough to demonstrate it for me last night *Muah*
oxox Gin
Friday, October 20, 2006
Wishin the "busy bird gets the sperm"
Since I've been such a bad girl, I'm waiting for my spankings. Who's going to put me over their knee and paddle my sweet round ass soundly for being a lazy slut? lol I'm thinking ten swats should get me started doncha think? ;)
I'm going to see my 'sex toy' friend this weekend so I'll be posting another method of creating your own homemade pussy in a couple days hopefully. Thank you everyone who has been dropping me emails sharing their experiences with the couple methods I've already posted. I'm glad that you're finding they work as well as he said they do! Guess having kinky friends is always a good thing right? It keeps life interesting and it gives you new freakier ways to masturbate.
--- Gin xoxo
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Another sex toy idea
tube from a roll of paper towels, thick sock, gallon sized plastic bag, rubber band, lubrication, and a pen/pencil.
- Turn the sock inside out & stick it through the paper towel tube.
- Take about 2" of the top of the sock (open end) and pull it down around the outside of the tube.
- Lube up the inside of the plastic bag
- Slide the plastic bag into the open end of the sock poking it down with the pen/pencil. Push the baggie down so there's plenty of room for your cock.
- Make sure the inside of the bag (with the lube) is still open so you can insert your cock inside.
- You should still have a few inches of thea plastic baggie hanging out. Pull it down around the thick sock and the paper towel tube.
- Wrap a rubber band around the baggie, sock, and tube to hold it all together.
- Start fucking :) You can either hump into the paper towel pussy, or you can pump it along you cock. Either way, it's going to feel great!!!
Whenever you're done and ready for cleanup, just take off the rubber band, and throw the plastic baggie away. Viola! Clean as a whistle and all you need to create it again is another baggie. If it's not as pleasant as it should be, finger inside to make sure the whole baggie is lubed up and there's no folds on the baggie.
Enjoy yall!
xoxo Gin
PS -- He also said if you want a warmer experience to use another plastic baggie between the paper towel tube and the sock. Then wet the sock down with warm water and following the rest of the directions.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Hilarious censorship protest song
Click here to enjoy the song .... "FCC FU"
Thanks P for passing along this link darlin. Now if we can just get more people to realize what's happening on a daily basis to the average American citizen's civil rights we might actually get things changed.
And yes for those of you who are just passing through, I am indeed a phone sex operator. To discount what issues are posted here simply because I am comfortable enough with my sexuality to have kinky phone sex with relative strangers is more ignorant than you assume I am. The issues posted here are issues that effect EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN CITIZEN whether they work in the adult industry or run a child daycare service. Civil rights guaranteed under the Constitution being ignored and raped daily is not something anyone should scoff off.
oxox Gin
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Finger fucked at the mall by a cum-plete stranger phone sex mp3
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Oh La La the fetish queen has a banner!
Monday, July 24, 2006
Mmmme loves me a Giantess ;)
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Newest Addition, the finding of my panty wearing slut
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Miss me?
Every once in awhile when I get in a bad mood wondering what in the hell am I doing I have to find a way to boost my mood, and that comment definitely helped so thank you. When I get in that kind of mood if I'm logged on niteflirt, I go through and read my feedback to see if anyone's left new feedback. I guess it's vain, but reading how much someone enjoyed playing with me really puts a huge smile on my face.
Anyway that's what I was doing when the email for the comment came in so I thought I'd share some that really made me smile. If you wanna read them all good, bad, and ugly, click here. I'm not going to post names so chill out ;)
- Great voice, very sexy and helped me get fucked in the ass by a wide cock, she made it much easier
- One, steamy, hot red head who will rock your world when you hear her soft, sexy voice tell you what she wants to do to you. She is a true switch guys, so whether you are a dom like me or a sub who needs help putting on your panties and bra, Ginger will meet all your sexual and personal needs.
- Fantastic. Obviously took trouble to try and understand what I liked and produce it.
- What a rampage...what beauty...what power...what destruction...what fear...what might and sexiness! Wow...superlatives just aren't enough.
- Ginger knows just how to push you to the top and over. Ginger can degrade you and make you feel small or build you up and make you feel tall. So don't take my word give her a call and I assure you that you'll have a ball.
- Intense and fun...Ginger is open to fantasies and you can tell as she gets more & more into her sensuality. She obviously has a good time herself and you're easily drawn into wanting (and needing) to match her level of sexual intensity. HOT and tiring...but in a very good way!
- I asked Giantess Ginger to record a custom-made audio file for me, one from a script which I had sent her. She took time to read and become comfortable with it, and then did an absolutely beautiful job with it! I listen to it over and over again!! She's a true giantess and can play a wonderfully temperamental goddess that keeps her tiny slave guessing about whether he's satisfied her demands.
- Holy Crap she was hot. I am stinkin sore from our time together. Best call I have ever had with any girl here. Others are good but she has raised the bar. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- Absolutely incredible. Her webpage on niteflirt does give a good sense of what to expect with the incredible sexy and spicy Ginger Lee. Spends some time getting to know her and let her get to know you and you will also enjoy phone sex that is an absoulte mindfuck. I will be calling her again to cum with her some more. One of night flirt's best
Can you see why it's great for a gal's frame of mind? ;)
oxox Gin
Home made simulated pussy to jack off with :)
First off, yes I make my own sex toys and I also buy them. I think everyone does at some point in time right? I figured the fleshlight would be fun for him when he wanted to just masturbate without a lot of prep. Nope! Anyway, he told me how he could get the same effect with a peice of saran wrap, lube, and some warm wet paper towels/wash cloth. I didn't believe him, so he demonstrated it. lol
Saran Wrapped Pussy
- Coat your cock with the lube. Petroleum jelly works great and is really cheap. The more lube you use, the better it'll feel. The less you use, the easier the clean up.
- Put the center of the saran wrap on the head of your cock, and fold it down and around your shaft.
- Take the paper towels or washcloth and wrap that around the saran wrap. Use warm water to wet them down and it'll feel like an honest to goodness pussy!
- Take your towel, lube, and wrap wrapped cock in your hand and start stroking!
- The clean up is simple as pie. Just pitch the plastic wrap in the trash and wash up. You're ready to roll then. :)
If you want a tighter pussy without having to squeeze the whole time, wrap rubber bands around the paper towels. Remember, you're going to be fucking your cock in and out of the simulated pussy so don't make the bands too tight or you'll never get your cock back in!
If you try it, let me know what you think please. I can vouch that it feels like a juicy wet cunt on the fingers, but obviously can't vouch if it does on a cock ;)
oxox Gin
Friday, July 14, 2006
Kinky Thoughts leaving wet spots
Of course we'd get coated in the sweet stuff right? Then we'd lick it off our tits, tummies, lips, cheeks, and pussies. End up laying on top of him eating each others cunnies right in his face and every little bit we'd stroke lick or nibble his cock. Not letting him cum, just teasing his hard on. Even press our tits together around his dick...
When we finally orgasm, we take turns straddling his face making him clean us up. Then we'd lean down and all 3 of french kiss tasting both our cum mixing together. Mmm. Kinky
Then she'd straddle his cock and ride him hard fucking him soft and i'd straddle his thighs and push his balls inside my pussy. All of us grinding our genitals together until we came together. Just the feeling of his balls contracting inside my pussy would be enough to send me over the edge of orgasm again.
Geee, wonder why I can't get that fantasy out of my mind. ;)
xoxo Gin
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Guided Masturbation mp3
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Tsk Tsk said the spider to the fly
I confronted the theif with the receipts with her NF ID on them and the corresponding IP# and told her to stop. Even went so far as blocked her IP# from my site. Guess what she's doing now, she has one of her pathetic slavebois doing her dirty work. I really wonder if he's devoted enough to take the law suit that's in the works. LMAO!!! I should take bets on that eh? I have $500 that says the idiot will roll on the theif when he sees how much my lawyer will be suing for.
On a personal note, I'm going to be watching your pathetic rip off of a blog to see how you plan on posting this entry MP. I'll be nice and not post your name so everyone knows how sad you are. I figure my lawyer will fuck you like the 50cent street walker you are. Honey, people like you are why the adult industry as a whole has a very bad name. Bottom feeders who cannot come up with a single original idea and who can't even steal an idea, put the effort into making it a little bit theirs, and marketing it. I've said it before and I will say it until I die...
Class will always rise to the top and stay there forever, trash will sink to the bottom and rot in it's own putrid filth. And honey, do NOT try to flatter yourself here, you are nothing more than maggot feeding, putrid trash that should've been burned months ago.
For those of you who are in the industry and know who I'm talking about -- I'd be checking my own shit and making sure the theiving cunt hasn't stolen it as well.
xoxo Gin
Kinkiest Sex I've seen in a long time
I've been having a stressful time lately so this evening I called one of my fuck buddies for an emergency frustration fuck. (aren't those great?) Well I'd seen this recipe in a magazine for scented playdough and had talked to a couple guys who'd been into playing with it. *LIGHT BULB over my head* I figured, it'd be cute, funny, and just the ticket to help me relax, and ya know what? I was right. ;) It took A LOT of coaxing and even more giggles, but I got my fuck buddy convinced to let me jerk him off with the playdough after we'd made it up of course.
We scented it with some of my perfume, and waited till it cooled down to around body temperature. He put a condom on, and I molded the playdough around his cock and started stroking. I don't know what the fuck was so hot about it, but I was going crazy watching him fuck a wad of playdough! And when he came, I swear it was one of the hardest orgasms I've seen him have. It was in fucking credible!
After I jerked him off with the playdough, we started playing with it in other ways. Like I did a molding of his cock and balls. He molded my tits, and even from my clit to my ass hole with the gooey stuff. And one of the best parts of the whole experience was that the playdough was completely edible if we hadn't put the perfume in so we didn't have to really worry if one of us would have a reaction to it. So we ended up making a couple more batches up using different kinds of coolaide and even a batch with cinnamon in it. Mmmmm, the coolaid makes it smell soooooo good you wouldn't guess that it's playdough. And the cinnamon? Well, it adds kick to the fun. It kind of heats up the skin the playdough is touching like that new warming lubricant does. Same feeling, and the all the batches we made totalled less than $5 to make!
Insane fun at a great price. And take it from me, if you're having a horrible day/week/month and need to relax, it puts you in that kinky frame of mind and lets you play like a kid again. Always a big plus right?
xoxo Gin
Monday, July 10, 2006
Are you bored? Check this silly shit out
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Anal Sex ploration
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Amazing how many of you have bought the shrinking fetish audio
I've gotten alot of emails asking what exactly I'm talking about when I say audio recording. It's pretty simple I thought, but then again some people have never heard of it before. What I do is think of a really sexy scene and then do an audio recording of it in .wav & mp3 format. I also recently started taking requests for specific scenarios from people too. So keep that in mind ;) Then I upload the file to my website, and put the download link & instructions on how to download it in the e-mail. That way you can download the file, and take it wherever you want. Pay for it once & download it, and have it forever instead of the traditional recordings where you're charged a per minute rate everytime you listen to it. I'm also working on an online library of where you can purchase monthly access to all the audios for a set fee that way those of you who could get in trouble with a file will still be able to enjoy them. Hopefully the online library will be up and running in the next month or so.
Oh and "P", I also didn't really consider that this was cheaper. lol Thanks for pointing that out to me ya goober. Just for that I'm going to tie you up and spank your white ass rosy ;) I may be kinky and twisted, but I am certainly not cheap! LMAO
And the new fantasy is... *drum roll please*
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
The bitch is back! lol
Well each week I'm going to be featuring another fetish/fantasy. Just like before, only now I will also be creating a downloadable audio of that fetish/fantasy available for purchase. Unfortunately, I am somewhat restricted in what types of fetishes/fantasies I'll be doing audios of since NF Terms of Service does not allow certain ones. (underage, scat, incest, beastiality, basically anything that can be termed as illegal. When did it become illegal to fantasize? Will SOMEONE please boot the fucking anal retentive hypocritical Puritans out of power soon? So much for freedom of speech. Now you can't even think something without it being a crime. Hooray for progress)
I'm back to being home during the day writing my little heart out so you know what that means right? I'm back to having as much kinky fun phone sex as I can handle. Just keep this between you and me, but my libido was driving me crazy since I couldn't cum as many times as I wanted. Can you say grumpy Gin? lol Trust me, everyone around me was saying worse than that the past couple months. ;)
I'm going to sit here and think and think and argue with myself over what this week's fetish/fantasy is going to be and then post it when I finally can talk myself down to just one. Right now, I'm really hung up on the whole shrinking with a big of cross dressing thrown in fantasy, but that might change! Who knows until it's in writing right?
I'll be back in awhile.... be good and have lots of fun until then!
xoxo Gin
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Electric Stimulation links
These are some of the more reputable vendors in gear for this fetish. Check them out, but remember, before trying anything, keep your safety and the safety of your partner(s) first and foremost.
SexTek-- great portables and extra electrodes for sale. Even remote control units the size of a tv remote
Pes--vast assortment of reasonably priced gear. Insane amount of acessories
MRSLeather--a little bit of everything under the sun. You gotta check out the fly swatter under other electrical toys
KinkyMedical--Super deals here
ElectroSex-- A little of this and a little of that. Nice prices, good quality merchandise.
Gin xoxo
Monday, March 13, 2006
Electro Play Fetish
This week's fetish is electical play. What is it? It's sexual games that revolve around electricity. Most commonly, a violet wand is the catalyst for the charges. Personally, I'll attest to the fact that this is an intense form of foreplay. Violet wands can regulate the intensity and frequency of the shocks, and with the different adaptors, they're a must have. Depending on the person in control, the experience can be wildly arousing or excrutiating torture so be careful and make sure both parties are clear on limits. Set up a safeword so that if someone gets carried away they'll know that you truly mean for them to stop. Thanks to advancement in technology (why focus on a cure for cancer when we can have better sextoys? *rolls eyes*) now you aren't stuck with the huge suitcase sized violet wands, but can buy cheap, albeit less powerful, wands that are battery operated with AA batteries.
I do have to say, if you're inexperienced, do NOT try this without studying up on the possible effects. Yes, this is essentially erotic electro-shock therapy. Below are some great links for beginners, tips, techniques, and later in the week I'll post some sites with great wands.
InformedConsent--great site with FAQ, warnings, what to look for, dangers, and even more
Sexuality--beginner tips
VioletWand --site with general discussion and message board
VioletWands -- online community with everything from care instructions to beginners and advanced tips and techniques, and more
Wands4Sale --wands and accessories
Dungeon--list of electro oriented sites
Bondage--great first hand story of a masochists intro to electro
ElectricalTribe--Forum with tips and fellow electro fetishists
And I can't help make a bad pun sooooooooo ahem
I hope you find this fetish shockingly hot ROTF
Gin xoxo
Monday, March 06, 2006
The latest craze in Hollywood is "Tickle-cise", or taking 'happy' pills then laughing as hard as you can. The reasoning behind this is it tightens up your abs and you can't help but have fun doing it. Anyone who's ever been tied down and tickled knows how much of a work out laughing is. Laughing until your ribs feel like they're shattered, like someone's pounding them with a sledgehammer everytime you take a breath.
Now, we haven't even began to scratch the surface of this fetish. Yes, you're laughing, but it's literally torture. You have no control over it and the person can tickle wherever they want with whatever they choose to. It's just sadistic to do this someone and hence lies the attraction. What's more fun than torturing someone, listening to them beg hours on end, the whole time they're laughing so hard they're literally pissing themselves! Begging you to stop, but you can't understand them they're laughing so hard and so out of breath.
Then just when they think they're going to pass out, you stop. Completely. Lean over and whisper, Are you ticklish? and implant that thought in their mind fucking with them even more!
If you haven't tried this yet, give it a try. Have some toys set aside for easy access. Feathers, combs, brushes (esp baby brushes and paint brushes), chopsticks, pipe cleaners, horse hair whips, and whatever else you can find. Be sure to pay close attention to the areas that seem to always be missed.
The palms of the hands & fingers are super sensitive and are a ticklist's paradise. Even the pulse of the wrist, forearm, back of the neck, collar bone, nose, lips, roof of the mouth, eye lids, hips, line of the bush, crease of the leg, inner thighs, back of the knees, ankles, calfs, and of course ribs & feet(top and bottom). Another method is to coat the body part in latex, and peel away a small area to torture. The latex essentially blocks out all the sensations around the area and therefore makes that exposed area even more sensitive.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Rock Star, & Child Porn, & Barry Bonds in Drag O MY
Barry man, I love ya but if you're going to wear a dress at least have the decency to make sure that A: your tits are even and B: that your legs and chest hair aren't showing. Ewwww
WTF Glitter only got 3 years and could be home for Christmas? Maybe US Laws & Sentencing aren't as stupid as I've always thought. Please, if you have the guy by the balls dead to rights involved in child pornography and molestation, PUNISH HIM!!!!!!!!!
Yeah I realize there's you out there that's going to be saying, how does Gin have room to talk, she's a damn phone sex op. There's a huge difference between enjoying sex between consenting adults and molesting/exploiting kids. That's the single most vile action in this world in my eyes.
And those out there who equate this disgusting behavior with adults that like to dress up in school girl outfits and ROLEPLAY that they're a minor, screw you. They're fucking adults having adult relations with other adults. In no way, shape, or form is that child abuse. I personally love roleplaying that I'm that teen temptress. It's hot as hell.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Fetish Shoe Links
Trashy YUM! and if you're into hot clothes period trashys is a great place to fix that habit
ShoePalace Fuckin insane shoes, lingerie, boots, outfits
SexySirens strange site, but the shoes and other merchandise are great
PierreSilber incredible shoes, latex kits, lingerie, leather outfits and more
OdGirl some more great shoes from classy to trashy, innocent to dominatrix, cheerleader to gothic
LucysLair hot ass shoes and boots!
ElectriqueBoutique XTREME shoes and boots at reasonable prices
RedDoor huge selection and not overly expensive
Oh yeah and if you want to buy me a pair of shoes, ya know you can right? *nudge nudge wink wink* lol Just teasing :o)~ But seriously, if you have a suggestion, pass it along.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Foot & Shoe Fetish Links
Well the few links that have came in seem to be pretty great actually. Several sites and communities to be exact. I'll post the ones that've came in today, and later on in the week post some more. I hope you enjoy them. I know that posting about it last night motivated me to go shopping today and buy some kick ass shoes today. Mmmmm 7 inch platform heels that lace up my calves. I have to say, I look damn hot!
Debauchery TONS of links
DeviantDesires great explanation of the fetish
Hoes TONS of links
ASFF One of the longest running communities
NLFL webring with tons of sites
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Foot & Shoe Fetish
For those who aren't familiar with these fetishes, again like most fetishes, they're pretty self explanatory. A foot fetish is the sexual attraction to feet, toes, & ankles. Now you may be asking yourself, did she really just say there are people out there turned on by feet? Yes I did. Beauty is all a personal perspective. What's beautiful to you is most times hideous to others and vice versa. Sometimes the fetish is based on 'perfect' feet, toes, ankles, pedicures, stockings, and the like. The person's idea of perfection.
Other times, it's the exact opposite. How erotic would it be to see Jessica Simpson(someone a lot of FF adore) stomping and squishing or 'trampling' (yet another fetish) something utterly vile like rotten fruit, milk, animal feces, etc. The vileness showcasing her 'perfect' feet in a way that you wouldn't typically see.
Shoe fetishists tend to be more into the footware than the actual feet. I personally think that most women have a shoe fetish. Think about how many pairs of shoes you, your mother, sister, girlfriend, or wife have hiding in their closet. How happy they are when they find the "PERFECT" shoes, the glow and feeling of euphoria that closely resembles the post coital feeling. Hmmmm makes you look at shoe shopping completely different doesn't it? lol ;)
I know when I find the perfect shoe of the moment, I feel like I'm 10 feet tall and that the world is smiling on me. Nothing can bother me at that point in time. Exactly how I feel when I have an incredible orgasm. Besides, face it... who doesn't think a woman in a ankle strap set of heels doesn't look hot as a 2$ pistol? Even the nastiest of feet can be turned into a work of art by a nice pair of shoes. Heels, pumps, flats, sandals, sneakers.... they can all look stunning.
I'll be adding some great feet fetish links in my next post. Later in the week I'll share some shoe fetish sites and sites that I love to stock my own closet from. As always, if you have a site that you'd love to share concerning the featured fetish, let me know!
Until then, try it. Find out how it feels to wrap a pair of feet in sexy stockings around throbbing cock, suckle the toes, and enjoy the feeling. Keep an eye out for those sexy shoes as you walk down the street and see if I'm not right. Shoes ARE sexy.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Actor Don Knotts, 81, Dies
LOS ANGELES (Feb. 25) - Don Knotts, who kept generations of TV audiences laughing as bumbling Deputy Barney Fife on "The Andy Griffith Show" and would-be swinger landlord Ralph Furley on "Three's Company," has died. He was 81.
Knotts died Friday night of pulmonary and respiratory complications at the University of California, Los Angeles Medical Center, said Sherwin Bash, his friend and manager.
Griffith, who had visited Knotts in the hospital before his death, said his longtime friend had a brilliant comedic mind and wrote some of the show's best scenes.
"Don was a small man ... but everything else about him was large: his mind, his expressions," Griffith told The Associated Press on Saturday. "Don was special. There's nobody like him.
"I loved him very much," Griffith added. "We had a long and wonderful life together."
Unspecified health problems had forced Knotts to cancel an appearance in his native Morgantown in August.
The West Virginia-born actor's half-century career included seven TV series and more than 25 films, but it was the Griffith show that brought him TV immortality and five Emmys.
The show ran from 1960-68, and was in the top 10 of the Nielsen ratings each season, including a No. 1 ranking its final year. It is one of only three series in TV history to bow out at the top: The others are "I Love Lucy" and "Seinfeld." The 249 episodes have appeared frequently in reruns and have spawned a large, active network of fan clubs.
As the bug-eyed deputy to Griffith, Knotts carried in his shirt pocket the one bullet he was allowed after shooting himself in the foot. The constant fumbling, a recurring sight gag, was typical of his self-deprecating humor.
Knotts, whose shy, soft-spoken manner was unlike his high-strung characters, once said he was most proud of the Fife character and doesn't mind being remembered that way.
His favorite episodes, he said, were "The Pickle Story," where Aunt Bee makes pickles no one can eat, and "Barney and the Choir," where no one can stop him from singing.
"I can't sing. It makes me sad that I can't sing or dance well enough to be in a musical, but I'm just not talented in that way," he lamented. "It's one of my weaknesses."
Knotts appeared on several other television shows. In 1979, he joined the cast of "Three's Company," also starring John Ritter, Suzanne Somers and Joyce DeWitt.
Early in his TV career, he was one of the original cast members of "The Steve Allen Show," the comedy-variety show that ran from 1956-61. He was one of a group of memorable comics backing Allen that included Louis Nye, Tom Poston and Bill "Jose Jimenez" Dana.
Knotts' G-rated films were family fun, not box-office blockbusters. In most, he ends up the hero and gets the girl - a girl who can see through his nervousness to the heart of gold.
In the part-animated 1964 film "The Incredible Mr. Limpet," Knotts played a meek clerk who turns into a fish after he is rejected by the Navy.
When it was announced in 1998 that Jim Carrey would star in a "Limpet" remake, Knotts responded: "I'm just flattered that someone of Carrey's caliber is remaking something I did. Now, if someone else did Barney Fife, THAT would be different."
In the 1967 film "The Reluctant Astronaut," co-starring Leslie Nielsen, Knotts' father enrolls his wimpy son - operator of a Kiddieland rocket ride - in NASA's space program. Knotts poses as a famous astronaut to the joy of his parents and hometown but is eventually exposed for what he really is, a janitor so terrified of heights he refuses to ride an airplane.
In the 1969 film "The Love God?," he was a geeky bird-watcher who is duped into becoming publisher of a naughty men's magazine and then becomes a national sex symbol. Eventually, he comes to his senses, leaves the big city and marries the sweet girl next door.
He was among an army of comedians from Buster Keaton to Jonathan Winters to liven up the 1963 megacomedy "It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World." Other films include "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken" (1966); "The Shakiest Gun in the West" (1968); and a few Disney films such as "The Apple Dumpling Gang" (1974); "Gus" (1976); and "Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo" (1977).
In 1998, he had a key role in the back-to-the-past movie "Pleasantville," playing a folksy television repairman whose supercharged remote control sends a teen boy and his sister into a TV sitcom past.
Knotts began his show biz career even before he graduated from high school, performing as a ventriloquist at local clubs and churches. He majored in speech at West Virginia University, then took off for the big city.
"I went to New York cold. On a $100 bill. Bummed a ride," he recalled in a visit to his hometown of Morgantown, where city officials renamed a street for him in 1998.
Within six months, Knotts had taken a job on a radio Western called "Bobby Benson and the B-Bar-B Riders," playing a wisecracking, know-it-all handyman. He stayed with it for five years, then came his series TV debut on "The Steve Allen Show."
He married Kay Metz in 1948, the year he graduated from college. The couple had two children before divorcing in 1969. Knotts later married, then divorced Lara Lee Szuchna.
In recent years, he said he had no plans to retire, traveling with theater productions and appearing in print and TV ads for Kodiak pressure treated wood.
The world laughed at Knotts, but it also laughed with him.
He treasured his comedic roles and could point to only one role that wasn't funny, a brief stint on the daytime drama "Search for Tomorrow."
"That's the only serious thing I've done. I don't miss that," Knotts said.
Associated Press writer Vicki Smith in Morgantown, W.Va., contributed to this report.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Even more Giantess Links :o)
This is my *NEW* favorite giantess picture site. It's all celebrities and the pictures are in-fucking-credible! Faith Hill, Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Catherine Bell (I'd love to get her in my grasp *drools*) and tons tons tons more! Dayum, all I can say is, it's about dang time.
CelebGTS Mmmmmm celebs
GTS Corner a free geocity site that hasn't been updated recently, but tons of galleries!
Observers picture gallery
Iggys Another free geocities site that hasn't been updated in awhile, but decent galleries
Thanks to the sweetheart who passed along the pictures below. MUAH!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Giantess Links
And let's not forget one of today's "sex words", cock cheese. Boys, girls do NOT enjoy cock cheese so wash the wankers please lol! There's a difference between being a dirty cock sucker and sucking a dirty cock. One is hot and one is definitely NOT.
NetRunner great free pictures and link list
Antatheka more great free pictures
FussFee-Tina more free pictures on this German site
OCMB online community devoted to Female Domination with forum specifically for giantess/shrinking
GTSAndFeet another online community devoted to Giantess, Shrinking and Women's feet
SweetSouthernFeet free site with loads of giantess pictures
Atticus great pictures. Hasn't been updated in awhile, but great if you haven't seen it before
GiantessPlanet Some great stories
VirtualGiantess2 pay site with decent graphics all devoted to GTS
Art of Fantasy Pay site with some decent freebies
Giganta decent site
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
"Today's Sex Words"
Just over to the right side under the links section.... check it out! The slang is hilarious & pretty straight forward but I guarantee you'll be stumped until you see the definition. Then you'll feel stupid that you didn't get it lol!
oxox Gin
Monday, February 20, 2006
Featured Fetish -- Giantess/Shrinking
What does giantess and shrinking fetish mean? Well it means that you enjoy, love, are sexually aroused by roleplay involving either a giantess or being shrunken down simply. This is a personal favorite fetish of mine to be honest. I love thinking about being 50ft or more tall and rampaging around being a Goddess that all fear and satisfy. It's a great feeling when you put yourself wholely into the scene, and if you're open to sexual experimentation, it's a must to try even though it's a bit harder than most fetishes for obvious reasons.
For some reason, I don't know if it's because the fetish is so hard to actually make feasiable or if it's just one of those 'closet' likes, there's not really a lot out there on it. :( I've only found 1 community online that is based on this particular fetish & more's the pity. The difference between giantess and shrinking are pretty self explanatory. Giantess fantasies revolve around the fact that the woman is HUGE compared to everything around her. Shrinking is the reverse. The person is shrunken down (typically by some magic spell, potion, or wand) and toyed with in their miniature size. Seriously, I want you to close your eyes and imagine a tiny 4" tall man being tormented by a normal sized woman.... think about what she could do with & to him and he'd have no way of stopping her. Will she take him in public and humiliate him by showing his tiny size off? Put him a doll house to keep him safe? Use his whole body as a dildo to satisfy the lust he couldn't when he was bigger? The possibilities are honestly limitless & if you didn't get a shiver down your spine imagining that, this fetish is definitely not for you.
To break it down and put it simply, we've all seen "Attack of the 50ft Woman" right? I know I've seen it more times than I can count... the original beats the cheap knock off that Daryl Hannah put out in my opinion. She's just too petite to be the luscious giantess in my mind. Well imagine this, but that movie is credited wide & far as THE giantess cult must see & the number 1 reason a lot of us got into this particular fantasy.
More recently, the beautiful Kylie Minogue added to the frenzy with her "Giving You Up" video turning on a whole new age range of fellow fetishists. WAY TO GO KYLIE! Lil tip, don't watch the "making of" the video or it'll be ruined. ;)
Personally, I think anyone into Domme/sub will love this fantasy. It's the ultimate power trip to think that you can crush the sub under your tree sized thumb and grind him to a grease spot if he displeases you.
Now the community forums for this fetish..... :(
So far after years of trolling the net trying to find sites devoted to this fetish, Giantess City is the ONLY community I've found that is any good at all. There is also Giantess Magic which has some great links. Look to the right column under free links.
If you have some more great links, pass them along please. Like I've said, anyone who's into this fetish knows that there's honestly, just not that much content out there regarding it. And quality content? Even less
Saying Hi *waves*
Hmmmm *scratches head* Decisions, decisions, decisions.....
I know! I'll blog about my life and my tastes and what makes me happy! Sounds pretty simple right? Wrong! Let's start off saying that I'm a bit of a complex person. By no means am I saying that I'm a deep, soulful, great thinker, but that so many different things make me happy. Let's start off with my life for instance. You see me and what do you think? Lmfao! Come on seriously, besides that ya pervert!
That I probably have no thoughts running around in my head is a typical answer, but you'd be wrong again. Not only do I have thoughts, granted not deep thoughts for the most part, but I can actually put said thoughts down in writing which is what I primarily do for a living. I'm a writer. I'm a freelance journalist for a local paper here, & I'm also an author. Scary right? lol
Now I know you're wondering what types of things do I write? Well that's simple, everything! I've written biographies, fiction, children's books, and even erotica (softcore & hardcore). Betcha guess which is my all time favorite to write though ;)
At the core of me is a very sexually aware person who loves experimenting and finding new ways to enjoy life be it mentally, physically, emotionally, or sexually. I guess that's why another hobby of mine is being a phone sex fantasy girl. Saw that coming didcha? Well before you turn your nose up and shove the stick even further up your more than likely Bible thumping hypocritic ass, let me ask these questions....
If sex was wrong, why did your God create it?
In a world so overly populated, shouldn't we find other avenues to experience sexual release? Face it, birth control is not 100% effective, and even if it was, you'd still have a bunch of diseases to look out for, correct?
Why do certain sects of people feel so guilty and put such a bad spin on something so natural that if it weren't around neither would we be?
Everyone's answers will be different to these questions, but mine are pretty cut & dried. If you believe in God (which I don't), then he wouldn't have created sex if he felt it was dirty or a sin. Nowhere in any of the religious texts does it say sex is evil in any form be it heterosexuality, homosexuality, or bisexuality. Look it up if you don't believe me which many of you will not do because you read "THE" bible, or more accurately the version of "THE" bible that king james' flaming homosexual hiney felt was what the masses should know. And even his version of the bible is a bastardized text off another bastardized text of another bastardized text that finds its way back into the hands of a 'heathen' named Constantine. ;) Sex is natural, and in an age where all natural is such a craze it astounds me that there's still such Puritan perversions regarding it. By if I get on this tangent, I'll never end lol
Being a very sexual person, I could behave highly irresponsibly and dangerously, having sex the 7 times a day that my body craves with untold number of strange people breeding more bodies into a world that is already taxed to the limit. I choose not to. I chose awhile back to find an alternative to that ignorant cycle and I'm completely comfortable with this decision. I am sating my natural sexual appetite, & am doing so in a the safest manner available.
So that brings us to the title of my blog, Kinky Thoughts of a Fetish Queen. I love finding out more about fetishes and exploring them. Being a phone sex operator, I've been lucky enough to be introduced to many but there's always so many more out there. Plus, a lot of people don't have the luxury of just saying ahhh screw it, I'm going to be a PSO, and learn the fetishes the way I have. Soooooooooooo, I thought, what the hell! Let's put together a blog devoted solely to different fetishes & what they're all about & give more people more chances to be sexually sated.
Each week, I'll post a specific fetish & during that week will discuss what that fetish is all about, share online communities devoted to that fetish, and just have fun learning and teaching as I go! So starting tomorrow, I'll post the week's fetish and we'll be off on our great journey to find kinkier ways of having fun!
Personally, I can't wait and I'm a bit nervous if you'll find the trip as fun as I will, but nothing ventured, nothing gained correct?